Sydney Metropolitan International College applies a risk management approach to meet legislative requirements and record the assessed risks and treatment measures within the Compliance Risk Register. This identification, analysis and management of risks and treatment strategies is to be detailed to allow all staekhodlers to understand Sydney Metropolitan International College strategy to meeting specific legislative responsibilities. To support our compliance with all relevant legislation, Sydney Metropolitan International College has established the appropriate arrangements to ensure compliance.
SMIC acknowledges that it has a responsibility to inform and educate staff, students and stakeholders about the legislative requirements that apply to its operations. This will be achieved primarily through careful and diligent orientation, induction, workshop and training. By taking a coordinated approach to inform staff of these requirements, we will build a culture of acceptance and positive compliance.
At Sydney Metropolitan International College, we are committed to the continuous improvement of our training and assessment services, learner services and our administrative management systems. Central to this commitment is this policy which outlines our approach to continuous improvement and the procedures we apply to achieve systematic and sustained improvement.