Department of Information Technology & Engineering (DITE)

RII60520 : Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design - CRICOS 111836K

This course is the peak point of the Civil Construction Design stream of courses and prepares the students to have knowledge and skills for paraprofessional/ highly skilled and/or further learning at Bachelor level.

This qualification reflects the role of an individual working as a senior civil works designer or a para-professional designer, who supports professional engineers. They perform tasks that are broad, specialised, complex and technical and include strategic areas and initiating activities. They are responsible for the design of complex projects to ensure the implementation of the client’s site requirements and are required to demonstrate self-directed application of theoretical and technical knowledge and initiate solutions to technical problems or management requirements.

RII60520 : Advanced Diploma of Civil COnstruction Design

Units of Competency

Civil Construction Design - Units of Competency

Application Process

To enrol into a course as an overseas student at Sydney Metropolitan International College, applicants must complete an International Student Enrolment Form available from the website. The form should be completed in full and submitted by email to: [email protected] . A simplified application and study process is illustrated below:

Application Process

Please CLICK HERE to download Course Brochure